One of the things I have to do as a result of moving is inform both the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) and Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) of my change of address. This I can do with one form that I collected from a Post Office. Once I am re-enrolled these will be my electorates:
- Victoria (Federal Senate)
- Chisholm (Federal House of Representatives)
- South Eastern (Victorian Legislative Council)
- Clayton (Victorian Legislative Assembly)
Chisholm is a more marginal electorate than my old one of Bruce which makes my vote just that bit more worthwhile at the next Federal Election. However I get to stay in the same Australian Democrats (ADs) branch of Bruce-Chisholm (as a minor party we have always had branches covering one or more electorates rather than the separate suburb branches of the major parties - the branch name sounds like a personal name and once while I was Branch Convenor I received correspondence addressed to a Mr B Chisholm).
Of more interest at present is the coming Victorian State Election which is only four months away. It will be an interesting election because of a number of changes to the way the election is conducted and the Parliament that it will elect. It is the inagural election of fixed date state elections which from here on will always be held exactly four years apart for both upper (Legislative Council) and lower (Legislative Assembly) houses. The other key change is the way in which the Legislative Council will be elected.
Till now both chambers were elected by pretty much the same method of one member per electorate per election. To get elected one had to get 50%+1 of the vote (including distribution of preferences) in any given electorate. Now however for the Legislative Council the state has been divided into eight massive electorates which will elect five members each. The electoral method will be quota proportional. To get elected in one of these five-member electorates one needs to get approximately 16% of the vote (including distribution of excess votes from more successful candidates and distribution of preferences from less successful candidates). Getting that many votes across an area the size of the entire south-eastern suburbs of metropolitan Melbourne is a big ask but it will make for a different Legislative Council in two ways:
- It will be much less likely over time for one major party to have a majority (rather the numbers of the two major parties will be much closer assuming similar voting support)
- It will be more likely to have some minor party representation (there is a chance of having a handful of cross-benchers)
On a personal note...
Once I am re-enrolled I will be all set as a voter. But what if I want to do more as a citizen? At an absolute minimum I will stand at a polling place all day if necessary (like any self-resepecting ADs hack) but I have to decide if I want to do more. In the past I have been a Polling Booth Coordinator and Campaign Manager and can still do it as well as any party member. But I must admit to having developed an accute case of
activist fatigue. It will become a case of how important do I think this election is versus how much I value my own shy-and-retiring way-of-life.
Despite dismal polling in recent times the ADs will still be having some role in the state election and I agree with that. We had a hand in the consultative process which developed this new Legislative Council so it seems only right we participate in its inagural election. Whether I want to bust a gut for it is another matter. We shall see (since writing this I did indeed stand as is discussed
here and
For info on the coming state election visit the
VEC website.
Labels: Political